The Problem with Home Remodeling
What we do for a living is a really crazy thing to do. We go into people’s homes and tear them apart, then rebuild them while our client lives, works, and raises their family in the middle of a construction site. Naturally, this is a difficult and stressful process for everyone involved. And of course, who is doing the remodel can most certainly have a profound impact on how severe that stress impacts your family. Add to that, the fact that a sizeable portion of the remodeling industry is actually inadequately skilled to actually perform the work. There are some out there who try to talk you out of pulling permits and not test existing conditions. They will tell you it will save you money and they say they will build per the building codes – but they won’t. Even though this can surely impact you, potentially your health and the value of your home. And then there are the abatement issues, criminals, liens, escalating costs, run away project timelines and creative design among other concerns that you may have. Actually, most people are unaware of all the issues that can come up as they invite a construction company into their homes to do work. All this must make choosing a remodeler very stressful just to begin with. And the work hasn’t even started.
Having been involved with building track homes in subdivisions, custom homes and remodeling for all my working life, I have learned a great deal about construction and one of the things that all these years of experience in the construction industry have taught me, is that building homes can be difficult, but remodeling can be far more complex than new construction.